WORK IN PROGRESS! At the moment I am trying to find funding to prepare the CO2 measuring device, and write some code to create mappings between CO2 values and the live sonification. I am also thinking about how should the machine learning algorithm relate to the new CO2 inputs and the historical data. This is a BIG question because the input methods are not quite the same… but how does it make sense artistically? Besides, I need a sound company, that is concerned about climate emergencies, to borrow me +10 Powerful Bluetooth Waterproof Speakers. WOOOOW, a lot going on! but I am very excited, aren’t you?!

In this piece, I work with a predictive algorithm. The algorithm uses live-CO2 input to predict ocean rising levels. How? the code learns beforehand a relation between CO2 and the level of the ocean using historical data, so once it receives new CO2 input, it calculates a new value for the ocean level.

Why use live CO2 measurement? most of the CO2 we release into the atmosphere, e.g. from deforestation, is captured by our oceans, making it one of the most serious issues regarding ocean acidification and rising levels. By using a live measurement, the sonification sounds different in Copenhagen (Denmark), in Recife (Brazil), in a harbor, or in the middle of the pacific. By knowing this, we create in our minds an interrelation between the place we inhabit, the air we breathe, our biosphere, and climate change, as the CO2 we release into the air impacts directly the levels of the ocean.

This installation is a forceful, immersive, and mysterious experience, that aims for the listeners’ imagination to feel the changing and raising tides of our world.

Click to read and imagine how the sound installation is developed.

Check out more Participatory Sound Installations HERE