PerformersMiguel Angel Crozzoli (composition & conduction), Karoline Wallace (voice), Valeria Miracapillo (electronics), Barbara Kammer (viola), Aurelijus Užameckis (double bass), Jon Sensmeier (soprano saxophone), Marcus Wärnheim (clarinet), Nana Pi Aalbo Larsen (tenor saxophone), Sara Bulili (bassoon)

This record is LOOKING FOR A LABEL to be released! any contemporary music label that might be interested in? let me know. And if you can’t wait and want to hear it, send me an email, the music is just a WeTranfer click away.

COSMIC TRANSIENTS (2019) is the third piece of the series of compositions that I wrote for my small electronic-acoustic orchestra The Strangement Society.

This is my favorite of the series. It was created through the beautiful process of meeting Dr. Radoslaw, and somehow the timing and mental space to compose this music were just perfect.

The piece consists of seven movements and its length is 54 minutes. It was composed for a 9-piece ensemble of classic and rhythmic contemporary musicians.